Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Leftovers Queen

I didn't know which blog to enter this, so I decided I'd put it here, and then later I'll enter the meat sauce recipe on my other blog.

This past week I took out some meat sauce I had made and frozen this past spring/early summer. I cooked up some spaghetti in my new microwave pasta cooker and had that one night. Of course, I still had sauce left over, so I was trying to decide what to do with it. I thought about pizza, but forgot to pick up tortillas (for the crust), and I didn't want to make homemade dough. Thinking back, I have biscuits in the fridge...I could've rolled those out! Duh! Anyway, I decided I'd do something with pasta again. This time I grabbed a box of mac & cheese! I fixed that up, added a little extra 1/2 & 1/2, then threw the meat sauce into the cheese sauce (I get that all melted before I add the macaroni back in). So there it was. Mac & Cheesy Beef! On the top I sprinkled some extra Parmesan cheese (the refrigerated kind...not the green shaker). Yeah, I think I'm getting good at this! lol I'm having the Mac & Cheesy Beef for lunch today, and I have another bowl full in the fridge.

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